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Pastor Brenda White

Reckless Love

My love for Baltimore City makes absolutely no sense. Driving on North Avenue going west to east, from Hilton Street to Gay Street I see sidewalk after sidewalk filled with litter, block after block of vacant lots, and burnt out shells which used to be homes. I see the brokenness of humanity evident in body language of the people. Everyday someone uses the Nextdoor app to post a theft of personal property or gun shots heard. My City's gun violence and murder rate is frightening. Yet I love my hometown and I am not alone. Throughout Baltimore there are people committed to finding the good and making the best happen. There are social justice minded advocates, volunteers, entrepreneurs, and faith communities working together to empower everyday people to exercise the power of their voice and their vote. All is not lost. Restoration and recovery is possible. It will take work but it is possible.

My hope is grounded in my faith. Philippians 1:6-11 anchors my hope.

This New Testament reading begins:

I'm convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus.

It ends:

Jesus Christ will fill your lives with everything that God's approval produces. Your lives will then bring joy and praise to God.

I love Baltimore City!

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